Saturday, November 16, 2013

I Celebrate Myself

Henry David Thoreau once said it’s not what you look at that matters, it's what you see. To me perception is everything. It is the simplest of dividers in our society. A divider which separates the rich from the poor, good from evil, fact from fiction, and the possible from the impossible. To me what defines us as individuals is our perception. Though, they can be similar, no two perspectives are the same. Diversity of this magnitude is not only cause for praise but cause for celebration. I honor my individuality through perceiving all that I can. Formulating new opinions, ideas, and truths that are unique to me. I shed light on discoveries entitled to me through my innovative thought processes that are mine and mine alone. I transcend to higher levels of greatness not just to be the best but in order to break the chains that enslave us to conformity. Perception empowers me, it allows me to be self-reliant and through self-reliance I CELEBRATE MYSELF.
Is the Celebration of one’s self a good thing or a bad thing, and if not how do you Celebrate yourself?


  1. I agree with how you state the dividers in society, but do you think that there are limitations for ones beings to be able to celebrate yourself, as in can a poor man without a penny to his name celebrate himself in any ways? I myself belive that he can, everyday surving duringbthe hard times is a big accomplisment for someone of his status. That shows how many people can celebraye themselves.

  2. I totally agree with you. Perception is everything. Nice job!

  3. To add a little more, celebrating yourself is good because you boost your self esteem and you feel good about yourself
