Wednesday, November 27, 2013


There are many people in 7th period English that I’m thankful for. All in all the top four are Antonio Arana, Martin Barragan, Karmyn Doughty, and Samuel Kajah.

Antonio is a person to be thankful for because he is a cheerful person and is a person who keeps me on task. He is very nice and is enthusiastic about learning but when it comes to basketball we know who’s better… ME. He is one of my favorite new friends of sophomore year. The last three peoples are oldies but goodies. Martin is my sports buddy we known each other since freshman year from mock trials to Socratic seminars we’ve proven ourselves to be formidable adversaries. Martin has proven to be a good friend and I’m most thankful that I have more time to convert him to team LeBron. Karmyn is a free spirit and is an outspoken person like myself. Though we’ve known each other since freshman year our friendship has developed more this year. I’m proud to call Karmyn my friend. Sam is a dear friend of mine ever since freshman year in piano class we’ve been kickin and I’m thankful that I have a whole new school year to make more memories.



Saturday, November 16, 2013

John Proctor, Hero or Stooge?

A hero is a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.  John Proctor possesses qualities of such a man, honesty, bravery, and candor.  In the end John Proctor denunciation of the witch trails and public confession of his adulterous relationship with Abigail, after the battle of conflict with himself, puts him in a heroic position.  He refuses to sign a false confession, which would have dishonored his fellow prisoners, who were willing to die for the truth.
A stooge is a lackey, a person used for the purpose of another.  John Proctor fits this term lackey, because Abigail manipulated him in order to get revenge on Elizabeth.  This was achieved by Abigail, relying on the fact that John Proctor would stay in conflict with himself, over keeping his name clean or saving his wife.  Abigail knew the conflict John had with himself would last long enough for her to put the final nail in the coffin of Elizabeth.
John Proctor, Hero or Stooge?

I Celebrate Myself

Henry David Thoreau once said it’s not what you look at that matters, it's what you see. To me perception is everything. It is the simplest of dividers in our society. A divider which separates the rich from the poor, good from evil, fact from fiction, and the possible from the impossible. To me what defines us as individuals is our perception. Though, they can be similar, no two perspectives are the same. Diversity of this magnitude is not only cause for praise but cause for celebration. I honor my individuality through perceiving all that I can. Formulating new opinions, ideas, and truths that are unique to me. I shed light on discoveries entitled to me through my innovative thought processes that are mine and mine alone. I transcend to higher levels of greatness not just to be the best but in order to break the chains that enslave us to conformity. Perception empowers me, it allows me to be self-reliant and through self-reliance I CELEBRATE MYSELF.
Is the Celebration of one’s self a good thing or a bad thing, and if not how do you Celebrate yourself?