Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Old Money, New Money

OLD MONEY AMERICA explores the attitudes and behavior of rich, long-standing families. Sometimes called the Upper Class, Elites, Patricians, Blue Bloods or Brahmins, here we use the term these people use themselves: Old Money. Like anybody, upper-class Americans have qualities that are both noble and obnoxious, along with their share of heroes and villains. And yes, Old Money's opinions, speech and habits may seem eccentric and contradictory. But patrician traits are not arbitrary.

When we speak in terms of old money and new money we must understand the faces of old money. The Astors, The DuPonts, and the Vanderbilts to name a few; these families have earned the title of Old Money over centuries to sustain wealth.  Old Money is thought to be sophisticated, snooty, and proper in every sense of the word, this in their eyes is what separates them and making those elitists.  To Old Money, money does not make you Old Money; it is the lineage in which you carry.        

New Money is essentially the kid on the block in terms of lineage and legacy. This coupled with the fact that New Money does not share the same values that old money does. Education and lifestyle is of the highest quality for those of the Old Money circle. NEW MONEY doesn’t share those same experiences

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