Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Old Money, New Money

OLD MONEY AMERICA explores the attitudes and behavior of rich, long-standing families. Sometimes called the Upper Class, Elites, Patricians, Blue Bloods or Brahmins, here we use the term these people use themselves: Old Money. Like anybody, upper-class Americans have qualities that are both noble and obnoxious, along with their share of heroes and villains. And yes, Old Money's opinions, speech and habits may seem eccentric and contradictory. But patrician traits are not arbitrary.

When we speak in terms of old money and new money we must understand the faces of old money. The Astors, The DuPonts, and the Vanderbilts to name a few; these families have earned the title of Old Money over centuries to sustain wealth.  Old Money is thought to be sophisticated, snooty, and proper in every sense of the word, this in their eyes is what separates them and making those elitists.  To Old Money, money does not make you Old Money; it is the lineage in which you carry.        

New Money is essentially the kid on the block in terms of lineage and legacy. This coupled with the fact that New Money does not share the same values that old money does. Education and lifestyle is of the highest quality for those of the Old Money circle. NEW MONEY doesn’t share those same experiences

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Short story



Justin Commings


                Mark came home very disappointed and angry, for the first time that year he felt as if the air had been pressed out of his lungs all at once.  At the age of seven Mark found out what a valedictorian was and he made a personal vow to himself that is what he was going to be when he graduated.  All of his classmates felt that he was going to be the valedictorian and some of the people who were part of the school administration had confirmed with him that he needed to start preparing his graduation speech.  Mark became confident that he was going to be valedictorian when the principal told him to write his speech.

            Despite the fact that everyone had told Mark that he was definitely a sure win to be valedictorian, he never stopped working hard, because he did not want anything to slip by him and cause him not to achieve this goal.  Mark, Steve, and Kerr was called down to the office and told that they were going to meet with the principal.  The three young men looked at each other with the understanding that they were the top three students of their graduating class.  Mark became bewildered when the principal pulled out the spreadsheet and announced that Kerr was the valedictorian and Steven and Mark was co-salutatorians.  The principal then explain that the calculations that determine who would become valedictorian only consisted of grades and test from their final year. Mark questioned the legitimacy of the calculations being only comprising of the final year grades and test.  The principal began to explain that it would have been too rigorous of a task to have calculated from the beginning of our educational careers to the final year.

            Upon leaving the principal’s office Mark was very hurt and angry.  He felt that he had been set up for failure.  When the three young men reached the classroom, everyone thought that Mark was the valedictorian, but was very surprised that he was not.  Many were happy to see Mark’s down fall, because everyone felt that he was arrogant, this list included, but was limited to; students, teachers and even the principal.  Mark knew that many of his classmates did not like him, but they could not deny that educational work was always top notched.  It was in this moment that everything came into prospective, that he only had one friend.  Some of his classmates had pretended to like him, under the guise of receive academic assistance.

            Mark had to tell his family that he was not going to be valedictorian, but co-salutatorian.  This was a very hard task, because Mark had told many people that he was the valedictorian, based off the information that he had received prior to that day.  He had family members and family friends coming from out of town expecting to see him give that valedictorian speech.  Mark gathered his family into the living room and told them about what had happen; everyone was upset, but supportive.

            The more Mark thought about how everything had happen, he remembered little comments that some of his teachers and principal had made to him: “You really shouldn’t be so arrogant,” “That your down fall is eminent,” and “There is going to come a time that you will fail and I hope you are strong enough to pick yourself back up.”  In Mark’s mind, he felt that this was the farewell gift from his non-believers (the teachers and administrators that had set traps before, but had failed).  It was at this point that he decided that he did not want to participate in the graduation ceremony.

            Mark went to his mother and told her that he did not want to participate in his graduation ceremony.  Mark’s mom could not believe what she was hearing, she knew that Mark was hurting, but she also knew that he would look back upon it later on in life and regret it.  Mark’s mother was the type of mother that did not believe in telling her children lies to make them feel better.  She had made a promise to Mark when he was a little boy, that before she lies to him, she would not say anything at all.  Now she was at a place where her son was hurting and she could not change anything for him, she told Mark, “Baby, I know that you are hurting now and you want to make the people that hurt you hurt, but this is not the way.  Sometimes in life you are going to be faced with disappointment and this is one of those times.  You must rise to the occasions, because anything that is meant for you to have, can’t anyone take that away from you.  You feel that your light has been dimmed, because you are not valedictorian, being valedictorian does not define who you are, you do.  If it is meant for your light to shine, it will shine regardless.”

            At first, Mark did not want to do what his mother was suggesting, but he knew that the advice that she had given him so far in life, was on point, so he decided to participate.  Mark just wanted to let the people who had mislead him know how he really felt about them, so began writing his solitarian speech.  Mark has always had a way with words and he had so eloquently prepared a speech that basically told the administrators and teachers of that school to kiss his… in so many words.  Every time his mother asked to hear his speech he told her that it was not ready.

            During practice Kerr had repeated several times that he did not want to be the valedictorian, like Mark’s mother Kerr’s mother made him take it.  Mark had turned in a fake speech to the people who were in charge of the graduation.  Everyone wanted to see his speech, because they knew that Mark had the gift of gab, and he was good at controversial topics, and they did not want anything in it about him not be valedictorian.  They were relieved when they read it and thought the speech was good.  Mark just smiled at them and continued to think about the real speech. 

The Friday before the graduation, Mark’s mother insisted on hearing his graduation speech, Mark could no longer live the lie that he hadn’t written it, so he read the speech to his family.  His grandmother, aunt, uncle, sisters cheered loudly, his mother cheered silently.  Mark’s mother was proud that Mark had powerfully articulated how he felt about what had happened to him.  She had always told him, that people may not agree with how you feel, but your feelings are your own and therefore you must own them no matter what.  Mark was feeling good about what he had written, but when his family had given him a round of applause and thunderous clapping he knew he had a winner, because his family is a tough crowd, they are not easily impressed.  His euphoria was short lived, Mark’s mother told him that the speech was very good and she liked the fact that he was able to tap into his true feelings, but the graduation would be the wrong forum to deliver that particular speech. 

Mark was very disappointed and he explained to his mother that this was the speech he really wanted to deliver.  Mark’s mother told him that she understood that he did want to deliver that speech, but you never let people know that they have gotten to you and the speech is an admittance of that.  “Raise to the occasion my son; glory will be yours if it is meant to be yours.”   Mark had mixed emotions when he mother challenged him is this way, because on that day he did not want to be the bigger person, he just wanted revenge. 

Mark was in conflict with himself, he did not know what he really was going to do.  All weekend he kept going back and forth with himself about whether he should do what he wanted or if he should take the advice of his mother.  Many times he asked himself, “Why couldn’t his mother be on board with him, why did she want him to take the high road…Mark kept thinking, it is in these moments that the decision that you make will determine your level of maturity and how people will treat you after that moment.  Mark decided to write another speech, but he would not make a decision about what speech he would give until the moment of delivery. 

On Sunday, Mark read his new speech to his family and everyone was proud, cheering and clapping.  After everyone had left the room, Mark’s mother went to him and told him that she could not have been more proud to be his mom after hearing such a wonderful speech.  Mark confessed to his mom that he hadn’t decided on which speech he would give on graduation day.  She stated that she was sure that he would give the right speech and she was not worried.   

The day of graduation was very chaotic everyone was running around making sure everything was in order and ready to go.  Mark had to be at the school early and his mother wanted to make sure that he had copies of his speeches, she told him not to fold them, because they would get wrinkle and be ugly. 

It was very hot on this day and the air conditioning in the auditorium was not working.  During the graduation people were talking and not giving the graduates the respect that they needed.  The co-salutatorian Steve rose to give his speech and the audience could barely hear it, then Kerr the valedictorian gave his speech and the audience remains somewhat noisy.   Kerr’s mother was upset, because she knew that the valedictorian was supposed to be the last speaker from the graduating class, but Mark was. 

When the MC announce that Mark was giving his speech, one of the teachers told him that his speech was on the podium, Mark stated no, I have it here and he pulled it out of his jacket pocket.  The teacher had a horrifying look on her face, she did not know what to expect, because she had not seen the new speech and did not know what Mark was about to say. 

Mark began his speech, “Good evening Class of 2016…”   The auditorium was still kind of noisy, but as Mark went on with his speech, the noise of the audience began to dissipate and people started listening.  At the ending of the speech Mark had a standing ovation and people were cheering.  Mark felt good and his mother was beaming with proud, because he had made the right decision, he had chosen the right speech.

In Mark’s mind the graduation was over, but there was the honoring of the graduates.  Mark received a trophy in every category that was being honored, people wanted to know who was this kid and they begin cheering his name every time it was called for an award.  No other student was receiving the accolades that Mark was.  People was saying don’t sit down Mark, because you know you are going to be getting back up.  Mark thought that his family would be his only fan base, but now he had a room full of his peers and strangers calling out his name in praise.

After the ceremony, Mark took pictures with his family and other people kept coming over congratulating and take pictures with him, euphoria had returned Mark had received everything he wanted and more.  The words of his mother could not have ranged louder; Mark was reminded that what God has in stored for you, man cannot destroy or take away.  It was in this moment, that Mark knew that his life had changed and he would always try to approach any situation with a cool head.